In today’s video, I am reacting to expat life TikTok videos! I am always curious to see what life abroad is like for expats living in different countries. One of the main themes I noticed throughout these videos is that expat life is not easy. Foreigners need to get used to things when living in another country, and adjustment will always take time. But overall, the things we go through as expats are always worth it in the end. Let me know what you think of this video style, and if there are topics or videos you’d like to see me react to next!
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Check out the links below for more posts and videos:
Day In The Life Living In Ecuador!
I’m Pregnant! First Trimester, Symptoms, and More
Ecuadorian Grocery Haul: My First Time Shopping in Ecuador
How I Prepared For My Move To Ecuador As An Expat
Everything I Ate In New Orleans: Food, Itinerary, and Travel Tips
Life In India As An American Foreigner: The Expat Tag
Travel the World With Me
My Life As An Expat Living in India
Day in My Life Videos
Link to this Adorable Home on VRBO
My Life Living in Morocco
7 Solo Female Travel Fears and How to Overcome Them