My 5 AM Morning Routine Living in Ecuador


Today, I’m taking you through my 5 AM morning routine here in Ecuador, where I juggle being a mom, homemaker, and entrepreneur. But this routine isn’t just about the tasks; it’s about creating a balanced and intentional life.

When you think about creating routines, you may imagine a rigid schedule with tasks you don’t enjoy doing, and that’s not it at all! When you start a routine, particularly a morning routine, you can structure it in a way that truly serves you, your lifestyle, and your family.

I wake up at 5 AM to take some time for myself. When I first had my child, I woke up when he did. Once he was sleep-trained and settled into his routine, his wake-up time became 6 AM. So, I woke up with him, which sounds good in theory, but waking up with him meant I did not have time to get anything done throughout the day, which sounds extreme, but it was true!

Then, one day, I decided I would wake up at 5 AM and implement a loose schedule to follow (something I used to do when I lived in India).

And honestly, waking up this early has been the best thing I have done for myself in years! I am so grateful for the extra time, even if it’s only an hour earlier than when I woke up about six months ago.

I know waking up at 5 AM is not for everyone, so don’t take this letter as something other than a part of my story.

Read further and check out this video to see my morning routine before my toddler wakes up (the calm before the storm) and what the day is like after he rises as I balance motherhood, life abroad, and entrepreneurship.

Until next time, embrace the morning and stay blessed!

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