Our Journey to Ecuador

Our Journey to Ecuador: Navigating Life Abroad with Flexibility and Excitement


In life, threads of adventure, challenge, and unexpected turns work together to form our unique stories. For my family, our tale has unfolded across continents as expats, from Morocco to India and now Ecuador. Each destination brings its own joys, trials, and lessons, shaping our experiences and perspectives on life, family, and the world.

A Whirlwind of Change

Our journey to Ecuador began amidst the backdrop of a pandemic. We bid farewell to our time in India and found ourselves settling temporarily in Washington, D.C. My husband embarked on a new career chapter for a year while I delved into entrepreneurship, embracing the challenges and opportunities that came our way. Yet, we knew our time in DC was but a temporary pause in our lives.

Seizing Opportunities

With a sense of urgency and excitement, we gazed toward Ecuador when it emerged as a potential destination for a new life. The decision wasn’t without its challenges – limited time for research, the anticipation of impending parenthood, and the whirlwind of preparations. But amidst the chaos, there was an undeniable spark of adventure, a willingness to embrace the unknown and carve out a new chapter in our story.

Our journey as expats defies categorization, straddling the line between tradition and innovation. While conventional wisdom dictates meticulous planning and research, our path is guided by the ebb and flow of my husband’s career with the Foreign Service, embracing uncertainty with open arms. It’s a journey marked by flexibility, resilience, and a willingness to adapt to whatever life throws our way.

Building Community, Sharing Stories

Beyond everything I share online about our lives, there lies a vibrant community of kindred spirits—fellow travelers, parents, and curious souls eager to share in our adventures. Through our blog, YouTube channel, and social media platforms, we invite you to join us on this journey, share your stories, ask questions, and forge connections.

Closing Thoughts

As we embark on the next chapter of our adventure, bidding farewell to Ecuador and eagerly anticipating the next destination, one thing remains constant – the joy of discovery, the thrill of exploration, and the warmth of community. Our journey may be unconventional, but it’s filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Join Our Adventure

Are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery, connection, and adventure? Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive updates, follow us on social media for behind-the-scenes glimpses of our life abroad, and join our community of kindred spirits. Together, let’s navigate the world with open hearts and open minds.

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